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Close Automatic replacement for <br/> tag and url link in the item details and category details Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 01 December 2010 / Time: 15:10 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #145 URL

Until now, a line feed was automatically replaced with <br/> tag in the item details and category details,
but you can select if this automatic replacement is applied or not.

To replace a line feed with <br/> automatically, select Replace a line break with a <br /> tag./
in the item registration page, Categories page and Groups page.
Note that if you use <a> tag and <image> to write the url, this automatic replacement is not applied.

As to a url, you can replace a url with a link tag to go to another page just clicking the url.

To replace a url with a link tag, select Replace URL with a link tag in the item registration page, Categories page and Groups page.

Close CSV files for bulk registrations of items and orders are improved Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 01 December 2010 / Time: 15:07 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #144 URL

The csv file for the bulk registration in the following pages were modified.

Shop Manager > [Commodity Control] > [Bulk Registration/Change]
Shop Manager > [Order Control]
* The csv file download was moved to a new page. Download the csv file of order in [Order Control] > [Order Download].

It became possible to download only fields selected.

Kindly see the following pages for detailed information.

[Commodity Control]
<Field list>

<How to operate>

[Order Control]
<Field list>

<How to operate>

Close Age Verification on each category Contributor: Ken / Date: 01 December 2010 / Time: 07:04 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #142 URL


How can I add Age verification option on category?

Thank you.

Re Age-Verification option Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 01 December 2010 / Time: 10:15 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #143 URL

Unfortunately, it is not possible to add Age verification option on category.
The age verification is available only on whole site.

If you apply Age-verification in [Shop Manager] > [Advanced Settings]
> [Cart Questions/Age-verification], the age-verification option appears
in the customer information entry page in the shopping cart.

Close CSV file is improved on December 1 Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 17 November 2010 / Time: 09:46 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #141 URL

The csv file for the bulk registration in the following pages will be modified on December 1.

・Shop Manager > [Commodity Control] > [Bulk Registration/Change]
・Shop Manager > [Order Control]

Modification date and time: December 1, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. (GMT+900)

Kindly see the following page for detailed information.

[Commodity Control]
[Order Control]

Close YOU SAVE Contributor: Ken / Date: 10 November 2010 / Time: 20:52 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #139 URL

Hi, I would like to know if you can add "You save **" in product price. Like:

Website Price: 600.00
[Stock Quantity 10]
Market Price:1,300.00
YOU SAVE: 700.00 <------

thanks and keep up the good work!

Re Additional line Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 12 November 2010 / Time: 10:26 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #140 URL

Unfortunately, an extra line cannot be added in the price indication field
in the item information page.

We can only suggest you should enter the YOU SAVE line in the Details box,
in the item registration page.

Close Sign-in page is available now Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 20 October 2010 / Time: 11:30 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #138 URL

You can use a sign-in page instead of the sign-in box in the left column.
If you use a sign-in page, the link to a sign-in page in the sign-in box.

To use a sign-in page,
go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Page Layout].
In the Fixed in Left Column box, select Sign-in Page: “Use” in the Sign-in field.

If you use a sign-in page, the entry fields for email address and a password are undisplayed.
The link to a sign-in page instead, and your customers click to go to the sign-in page.

If you do not need the left column in the sign-in page,
go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Left Area Display],
and select “Undisplay” in the Sign-in Page field.

Close Coupon code is available now Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 04 October 2010 / Time: 17:45 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #137 URL

You can issue a coupon code in the shop manager.

STEP 1: Set the coupon system
Go to [Shop Manager] > [Advanced Settings] > [Coupon System].
Select Apply in the Do you apply Coupon System?
Fill in the Title Indicated in Shopping Guide and Notes in Shopping Guide, if necessary.

STEP 2: Create a coupon
Click the Create Coupon button to proceed to the setting page.
Set the coupon details

STEP 3: In the shopping cart
The coupon code entry box appears in the final confirmation page in the shopping cart.
If your customers enters the coupon code and click the Use button,
the discount is made on the purchase.

Close You can change the display order of the delivery methods Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 04 October 2010 / Time: 17:42 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #136 URL

Go to [Shop Manager] > [Advanced Settings] > [Delivery Charges].
Click the Up and the Down buttons to in the Operation column to change the display order.

Close You can see the registration date in the Member Information page Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 04 October 2010 / Time: 17:38 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #135 URL

Go to [Shop Manager] > [Order Control] > [Member Information].
You can find the registration date at the right end.

Close You can check the new order and inquiries in the front page of the shop Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 28 September 2010 / Time: 15:13 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #134 URL

The number of newly arriving orders and inquiries are displayed
in the front page of the shop manager.

The messages are linked to the Orders page and the Inquiries page.
Once you open the Orders page and Inquiries page, the messages are undisplayed.

Close The Like button of Facebook can be displayed in your shopping pages Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 09 September 2010 / Time: 13:21 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #133 URL

You can put the [Like] button of Facebook in the item information pages.


To display the [Like] button, go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Item List/Item Information page].
Select display in the “Display of Facebook like button” box.

Re Link Facebook Contributor: Chun Fan Su / Date: 02 February 2011 / Time: 16:33 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #156 URL

Hi there, is this Like Button linked to facebook accounts!?

Re Facebook Like button Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 07 February 2011 / Time: 18:46 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #157 URL

Yes, the Like button is linked to the Facebook.

If viewers click the Like button in your website with their face book logged in,
your website will be quoted in their News Feed to be recommended to their Friends.

Close The customer’s age can be verified in the shopping cart Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 09 September 2010 / Time: 12:03 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #132 URL

The age-verification function was added.

You can display the message and a checkbox at the bottom of the Enter your information field.
Unless it is ticked, your customer cannot move to the next page.

To use this function, go to [Shop Manager] > [Advanced Settings] > [Cart Questions/Age-verification].
Select Apply, and enter the message to display in the Age-verification field.

Close More information can be registered and changed in the Bulk Registration/Change Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 06 September 2010 / Time: 11:44 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #131 URL

The csv file for the bulk registration in [Commodity Control] > [Bulk Registration/Change] was modified.
You can register and change more information using a csv file.

Kindly see the following page for detailed information.

Close You can have the delivery option undisplayed in the shopping cart Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 30 August 2010 / Time: 19:49 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #130 URL

If you created only one delivery method, you can have the delivery option box at STEP2 in the shopping cart.

To have the delivery option undisplayed,
go to [Shop Manager] > [Advanced Settings] > [Delivery Charges].
Select "Undisplay" in the Payment method drop-down list in shopping cart line, under the Delivery Method list.

Close The free delivery is applied to the shipment including an item selected Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 30 August 2010 / Time: 19:34 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #129 URL

You can offer the free delivery for the shipment including a particular item.

In the item registration page, select "The free delivery is applied to
the shipment including this item" in the Delivery Charge box.

For the item applied this free delivery to, you can display the free
delivery icon in the front page, the item list pages and item
information pages.

To display the free delivery icon,

1. Go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Images and Comments].
2. In the Icon Image box, click the Free Delivery tag.
3. Select if you apply the default icon image or not. If you select "Do not apply", set your original icon clicking the ref. button.
4. If you wish to display the descriptions for the free delivery icon, enter the message in the Description of Free Delivery icon box,
and select the display condition in New Items, Recommendations, Item Ranking and Item List pages.


If you select "Undisplay" the icon image in the following setting pages, the free delivery icon is not displayed,
even if you complete the above setting.

[Design Control] > [Page Layout]
[Design Control] > [Item List/Item Information Page]

Close CSV file is improved on September 6 Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 26 August 2010 / Time: 16:25 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #128 URL

The csv file for the bulk registration in [Commodity Control] > [Bulk Registration/Change] will be modified.

Kindly see the following page for detailed information.

Close The image file can be uploaded in the item details field Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 26 August 2010 / Time: 16:25 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #127 URL

The image file can be uploaded in the item details field

You can upload the image file in the item details field
and need not write html to display images now.

1. Go to [Commodity Control] > [Existing Items].
2. click the Add Image button at the upper right corner of the Details box.
3. The html tags appear in the edit box.

At the same time, the image is inserted in the html editor mode,
where the image is displayed.

Close More images can be uploaded as the main image in the item information Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 26 August 2010 / Time: 16:24 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #126 URL

You can upload up to 5 images as the main image and switch the large image in the item information page.
In the item registration page, thumbnails of item images uploaded appear.

Kindly edit in the item registration page.

<How to register multiple images as the main image>

<How to change the thumbnail size>

Close ”Home” in the breadcrumb navigation can be changed Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 23 August 2010 / Time: 18:38 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #125 URL

You can change the word, Home in the breadcrumb navigation to your desired word now..

Go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Page Titles/Labels], and change the word in the Home line.

Close The introduction line can be set for each item Contributor: Ochanoko/Kawakata / Date: 23 August 2010 / Time: 18:37 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #124 URL

You can set the different introduction line for each item now.
Additionally, embedded tags become available in this field.

1. Go to [Shop Manager] > [Basic Settings] > [Metatags (Each Page)].
2. Enter information in the Introduction Line field for each page.

Kindly check the embedded tags available in the Introduction Line field
clicking the Embedded Tags button in the upper introduction box.

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