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This forum is for Ochanoko users to exchange opinions and information.
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Close New function: Automatically set billing address as Sender if different from shipping address Contributor: Ochanoko / Date: 21 October 2016 / Time: 09:37 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #406 URL

We have added the function to automatically set billing address (rather than the store) as Sender on the shipping invoice if billing address and shipping address are different. If enabled, customers will retain the option to change the Sender field on checkout. To enable this function, navigate to [Operations]→[Shipping Details] and select “Allow customers to specify Sender.” The option to enable this function will appear.

Close New functionality added! Contributor: Ochanoko / Date: 14 October 2016 / Time: 17:26 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #405 URL

Over the last month, we’ve been very busy and have added several new features to Ochanoko for your convenience. Changes include:

1. The .shop top-level domain is now available for use to Deluxe plan subscribers. Please see our Pricing page at https://www.ocnk.com/payment/ for more details.

2. Registration links can be specified for different member groups. Customers who register using these links are automatically assigned to the member group in question. To enable this function, navigate to [Basic Settings]→[Member Groups] and find the [Registration URLs] section.

3. A list of all product reviews can be added to your shop page. Visitors to your store can click on this link and access a list of previously submitted reviews for all listed products. This function can be enabled in your Shop Manager at the [Layout / Images / Comments] page in an HTML5 template, or at the [Page Layout] page in XHTML or mobile templates.

Close Private domain setup fee free through October 20! Contributor: Ochanoko / Date: 13 September 2016 / Time: 16:49 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #404 URL

We’re happy to announce that for a limited time only, we’re completely waiving our private domain setup fee in celebration of the launch of our new English website. Through 23:59 (JST/UTC+9) on October 20th, you can take advantage of this amazing deal to get an Ochanoko webstore with your own private domain. If you’re thinking about starting a webstore, or if you’d like to give your existing Ochanoko store an edge by upgrading to our Deluxe plan, now is the perfect time. For more details, see our campaign page!

Close New function: Add message to name field on customer information form Contributor: Ochanoko / Date: 02 September 2016 / Time: 16:48 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #403 URL

We have added the function to put a message above the name field on the customer information form. Access this feature at Basic Settings→Customer Info Form, under Name Field Note.

Close New English website Contributor: Ochanoko / Date: 30 August 2016 / Time: 13:01 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #402 URL

We are happy to announce the release of our new English website! We’ve been working hard to overhaul our English language site. Learn more about Ochanoko and its new version here:

Close New function: Admin notes on coupons Contributor: Ochanoko-net / Date: 19 August 2016 / Time: 16:39 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #401 URL

A note function has been added to the coupons feature. This feature allows you to keep track of a coupon’s value, intended audience, or any other details you need to remember about the coupon.

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko-net / Date: 26 July 2016 / Time: 17:31 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #400 URL

New function: Metagroups
We have added a metagroups function. This allows you to add multiple groups to one metagroup and organize your items by metagroup.
To use this function, navigate in your Shop Manager to [Inventory] -> [Manage Metagroups].

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko-net / Date: 10 June 2016 / Time: 17:54 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #399 URL

The review function has been improved.

The following functions have been added to the review function:
・When new reviews are submitted, the number of new reviews will appear in a notification at the top of your control panel.
・You can now select whether to allow editing or deletion by review writers of reviews you have already approved.
・You can now set a limit on the time window in which a customer may review a product after purchase.

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko-net / Date: 16 May 2016 / Time: 16:17 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #398 URL

Previously, it was only possible to display one blog post at a time (both title and contents) on the homepage and in the sidebar. Now, however, you have the option to display a list of blog post titles.
If you're using HTML5, navigate to [Design] > [Layout / Images / Comments] and in the Main Area click the settings button for Manager's Diary. From here, under [Display settings], select "Display list of posts."
In XHTML template, navigate in your Shop Manager to [Design] > [Page Layout], scroll down to [Other Fields], and under the [Owner's Diary] select "Display list of posts" to enable this setting.

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko-net / Date: 08 March 2016 / Time: 16:44 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #397 URL

Advisory settings for coupons and points have been added.
You can set coupon or point advisories on your shopping cart page.
To enable this function, go to [Operations]>[Operations]>[Advisory settings for coupons and points].

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko-net / Date: 08 March 2016 / Time: 16:43 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #396 URL

The following functions have been added to the forum.
●Log-in setting
Previously, anyone could submit to the forum, but you can now limit it to members.
*Anyone can view the forum without logging-in even if it is limited to members.
To enable this function, go to [Contents]>[Forum]>[Limit submitters to members only].

●Email notifications
You can receive email notifications when someone submits to the forum.
*No emails will be sent in case of editing/deletion.
To enable this function, go to [Contents]<[Forum]<[Email notifications].

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko-net / Date: 29 February 2016 / Time: 11:43 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #395 URL

Expand/Collapse buttons have been added to [Manage Categories] page.

To access it, go to [Inventory]<[Manage Categories] at the top right of the category list.
When you click the "Collapse all Sub Categories", only main categories are shown.
After expanding, you will see subcategories by clicking "Sub Categories" under each main category.

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko-net / Date: 29 February 2016 / Time: 11:43 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #394 URL

The Recommendations function has been improved.

Previously, the display of sold-out items was dependent on the stock display setting, but you can now display sold-out items separately.

To set it, go to [Inventory]<[Recommendations]<[Display sold out items].

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko-net / Date: 23 February 2016 / Time: 17:45 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #393 URL

Display settings for topic navigation on the customizable page have been added.

You can now design your own topic navigation system on the customizable page.
To set the topic navigation, go to [Customizable design Page]<[Create a Customizable Design Page]<[Status].

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko-net / Date: 22 February 2016 / Time: 15:35 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #392 URL

A review function has been added.
Customers can now contribute reviews for items they have purchased.
Sellers may respond to reviews, and other viewers are able to give feedback regarding whether a given reviews may be awarded points (depending on shop settings).

To enable the review function, go to [Operations]>[Review Settings] and [Review List].

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko-net / Date: 11 December 2015 / Time: 18:06 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #391 URL

Calendar function has improved.

Calendar function has improved in the following 3 points.
To use calendar function, go to [Operations]>[Calendar].
・When the language of your shop is Japanese, you can select English calendar.
・You can set plural background color and font color for holiday.
・"Every year" has been added to condition of the event.

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko-net / Date: 11 December 2015 / Time: 18:06 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #390 URL

URL entry field setting has been added to BBS.
URL entry field had been displayed inevitably, but you can select display/hide for URL entry field now.
To use this function, go to [Contents]>[BBS].

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko-net / Date: 26 November 2015 / Time: 15:33 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #389 URL

Questionnaire Embedded Tag {Question} has been added to mail template of inquiries.
You can use Questionnaire Embedded Tag {Question} in mail template of inquiries.
Please check it out from [Orders]>[Manage Email Templates]>[Add Email Template], and put a check to "Inquiries".

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko-net / Date: 26 November 2015 / Time: 15:32 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #388 URL

Option of "Display/Hide" has been added to Related Products function due to Recommendations function.
In Product Description Page [HTML5 template]
[Design]>[Product Description Page]>[Display]>[Related Products]
*If you cannot see the field, please click "Open all detailed setting fields" at the right top of the page.

In Product Description Page [smartphone]
[Smartphone Site]>[Product Page]>[Product Description Page]>[Related Products].

Close Functional improvement news Contributor: Ochanoko-net / Date: 26 November 2015 / Time: 15:31 (JST/UTC+9) / Post #387 URL

Recommendations function has been released.
Recommendations function analyzes customers' purchase history and displays recommended items.
In case of non-purchase history, Recommendations function analyzes explanation of items and displays recommended items.

To use this function, go to [Inventory]>[Recommendations], then put a check to "use" in [Recommendations] field.

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