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Q.How do I use menu icons?

Views: 1,293

Menu icons are small images placed in menus, such as the website header navigation bar, to provide quick visual information about what page will be loaded if a given link is clicked. Menu icons help make your website more intuitive for a customer to browse.

Menu icons can be set at DesignMenu icons. Icons are set by element. Scroll down to the element for which you wish to change the icon, and click Select from list to choose a new icon from our list of icons.


Alternatively, if you want a greater selection of icons, you can use any icon from FontAwesome. Navigate to the FontAwesome icon list.


Find the icon code on this page, and copy it.


Next, on the Shop Manager Menu icons page, click the Enter icon code link.


Paste the icon code you copied into the entry box here, and click image (OK).


Once you're finished changing your menu icons, be sure to click image (Save) at the bottom of the page.


  • Icons will be displayed on the main page in every place that that element is displayed. If the same element appears twice on the main page, the same icon will be used in both places.
  • Only FontAwesome icons can be used.
Last update: 19 Mar 2018 10:05