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Q.How do I view and edit order details?

Views: 4,846

Order details can be viewed at OrdersOrder list. Click on the button in the Details column for the order you wish to view.


On the page that comes up, click on the image (Edit) button for a section to edit details for that section.



  • No emails will be sent to customers to inform them of changes to their orders. We recommend contacting your customers manually to inform them of any changes.
  • If an item is listed as out of stock when confirming order item changes, an error message will be displayed.
  • If an item is removed from an order, stock will be restored automatically. Please ensure that the item is actually in stock, or edit stock details manually.
  • When adding recipients, please be aware that shipping fees, option charges, and so on will only be applied to this recipient.
  • If changes are made by the customer at the customer's My Page, a notification will be displayed on the front page of the Shop Manager as well as on the orderdetails page.
Last update: 19 Mar 2018 11:07