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Q.How do I change the background of the welcome page?

Views: 6,918

CSS must be used. As the stylesheet at DesignCSS is not loaded on the welcome page, CSS code must be added at the metatags page at MarketingSEO (Global). Copy and paste the following text in the Header field:

<style type="text/css"> 
.intro_page_body { 
  background-color: #000000; 

Replace the #000000 in the above code block with the color hex code of your choice. To add a background image, use the following text instead:

<style type="text/css"> 
.intro_page_body { 
  background-image: url (https://example.ocnk.com/data/example/image/~~~.JPG); 

Replace the URL (https://example.ocnk.com/data/example/image/~~~.JPG) in the above code block with the image URL you desire. Please ensure that you use an absolute path URL starting with http:// or https://, depending on your settings at Basic SettingsGlobal HTTPS settings.

Last update: 17 Nov 2017 10:01