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The free delivery is applied to the shipment including an item selected

You can offer the free delivery for the shipment including a particular item.

In the item registration page, select "The free delivery is applied to the shipment
including this item" in the Delivery Charge box.

For the item applied this free delivery to, you can display the free
delivery icon in the front page,
the item list pages and item information pages.

To display the free delivery icon,

1. Go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Images and Comments].
2. In the Icon Image box, click the Free Delivery tag.
3. Select if you apply the default icon image or not. If you select "Do not apply",
set your original icon clicking the ref. button.
4. If you wish to display the descriptions for the free delivery icon, enter the message
in the Description of Free Delivery icon box, and select the display condition in New Items,
Recommendations, Item Ranking and Item List pages.


If you select "Undisplay" the icon image in the following setting pages,
the free delivery icon is not displayed, even if you complete the above setting.

[Design Control] > [Page Layout]
[Design Control] > [Item List/Item Information Page]

CSV file is improved on September 6

The csv file for the bulk registration in [Commodity Control] > [Bulk Registration/Change] will be modified.

Kindly see the following page for detailed information.

The image file can be uploaded in the item details field

The image file can be uploaded in the item details field

You can upload the image file in the item details field
and need not write html to display images now.

1. Go to [Commodity Control] > [Existing Items].
2. click the Add Image button at the upper right corner of the Details box.
3. The html tags appear in the edit box.

At the same time, the image is inserted in the html editor mode,
where the image is displayed.

More images can be uploaded as the main image in the item information

You can upload up to 5 images as the main image and switch the large image in the item information page.
In the item registration page, thumbnails of item images uploaded appear.

Kindly edit in the item registration page.

<How to register multiple images as the main image>

<How to change the thumbnail size>

”Home” in the breadcrumb navigation can be changed

You can change the word, Home in the breadcrumb navigation to your desired word now..

Go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Page Titles/Labels], and change the word in the Home line.

The introduction line can be set for each item

You can set the different introduction line for each item now.
Additionally, embedded tags become available in this field.

1. Go to [Shop Manager] > [Basic Settings] > [Metatags (Each Page)].
2. Enter information in the Introduction Line field for each page.

Kindly check the embedded tags available in the Introduction Line field
clicking the Embedded Tags button in the upper introduction box.

The same content can be displayed in every item information page

You can display the same content in every item information page now. Html tags are available in this field.

1. Go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Item List/Item Information Page].
2. In the Set Item Information Page, select the display position in the Display Position in Free Space field,
and enter the information in the Free Space field.

Check the display position, clicking the link of Page Sample.

The same content can be displayed in every item list page

You can display the same content in every item list page now. Html tags are available in this field.
1. Go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Item List/Item Information Page].
2. In the Set List of Items box, select the display position in the Display Position in Free Space field,
and enter the information in the Free Space field.

Check the display position, clicking the link of Page Sample.
* This will reflect in the item list page for Categories, Pick Up, and the search result page.

The Google search was introduced into the shopping page

To use the Google search in the shopping page, go to [Shop Manager] > [Design Control] > [Page Layout].
Select Google Search in the Item Search box in the Display Settings for Front Page.

* Note *
If you use the Google search, kindly note the followings.
The result page will be displayed in the Google site.
The search result will be controlled by the Google, and we cannot adjust it.
The item information will not be updated in real time.

Additionally, following functions were improved.
* In the search result page, (Sort by) recommendations and hot seller were added.
* In the Item List by category and by group, (Sort by) price in descending order was added.
The default option was changed to "Please select".

Tax rate setting was improved

If the recipient's address is USA and Canada, the different tax rates
can be set from state to state.

To set different tax rates among states in USA and Canada, go to [Basic
Settings] > [Tax Rate]. If you select a country, the State/Province box
will appear. Select a state, and set the tax.

If your customer register the address of USA and Canada for the sender
and recipient address, the error message will appear and the state
selection will be required in next purchase.

Additionally, the tax rate can be set to 4 places of decimal point.
You can enter from 0 to 99.9999 in the tax rate box.