Special Terms of Return Policy was added
We add the Special Terms of Return Policy is added in the Terms & Conditions page.
If you make an entry in the Special Terms of Return Policy box in [Basic Settings] >
[Terms & Conditions], it appears as follows.
(Shopping Cart)
Whole text appears above the Purchase button at STEP 4.
(Item Information Page)
A text link appears above the Add to Cart button and the whole text will appear
after clicking the link.
If you make an entry in the Special Terms of Return Policy box in [Basic Settings] >
[Terms & Conditions], it appears as follows.
(Shopping Cart)
Whole text appears above the Purchase button at STEP 4.
(Item Information Page)
A text link appears above the Add to Cart button and the whole text will appear
after clicking the link.
Settings for Member Groups (View) page was improved
You can check where the member restriction is set in more detail now.
Go to [Commodity Control] > [Setting for Member Groups (View)].
You can see where the restriction is set, in overall setting,
in the category setting, or in the item registration page.
If you select a category and click the Read Data, you can see conditions of the items
where the member restrictions are set.
You can cancel the member settings in the same page.
Go to [Commodity Control] > [Setting for Member Groups (View)].
You can see where the restriction is set, in overall setting,
in the category setting, or in the item registration page.
If you select a category and click the Read Data, you can see conditions of the items
where the member restrictions are set.
You can cancel the member settings in the same page.
Shopping site can be closed to viewers
When you edit your pages, you can close your shopping site to viewers and only you can view usual pages.
While shopping site is closed, the usual pages can be accessed only from the Shop Manager
by clicking such as the Display Shop Page button.
To use this function, go to [Design Control > [Shop Status] and select “Open” or “Close”.
If you select “Close”, a cover page will be displayed to viewers.
While shopping site is closed, the usual pages can be accessed only from the Shop Manager
by clicking such as the Display Shop Page button.
To use this function, go to [Design Control > [Shop Status] and select “Open” or “Close”.
If you select “Close”, a cover page will be displayed to viewers.
Access restriction to free-design pages
You can restrict access to each free-design page according to member groups.
To use this function, apply the Member Restriction, in advance, in [Basic Settings] > [Membership Settings].
For settings, follow the steps shown below.
1. Go to [Content/Page Control] > [Free-Design Page (New Page)] or [Free-Design Page (Edit)].
2. Select the status for each free-design page in the Set Member Restriction box just below the Edit Free-Design Page box.
3. Click the View Entry button > Reflect on Screen button at the bottom of the screen.
To set all free-design pages at one time in the list,
1. Go to [Content/Page Control] > [Settings for Member Groups (Edit)].
2. Click select the status for each free-design page.
3. Click the Complete Settings button.
* If you select “Undisplay on Menu” in the edit screen, the page title does not appear in the [Settings for Member Groups (Edit)] page.
To use this function, apply the Member Restriction, in advance, in [Basic Settings] > [Membership Settings].
For settings, follow the steps shown below.
1. Go to [Content/Page Control] > [Free-Design Page (New Page)] or [Free-Design Page (Edit)].
2. Select the status for each free-design page in the Set Member Restriction box just below the Edit Free-Design Page box.
3. Click the View Entry button > Reflect on Screen button at the bottom of the screen.
To set all free-design pages at one time in the list,
1. Go to [Content/Page Control] > [Settings for Member Groups (Edit)].
2. Click select the status for each free-design page.
3. Click the Complete Settings button.
* If you select “Undisplay on Menu” in the edit screen, the page title does not appear in the [Settings for Member Groups (Edit)] page.
Additional functions in specifying delivery date and time
・Purchasers can select different delivery dates and times for different recipients.
To use this functions,
1. Go to [Advanced Settings] > [Delivery Details]
2. Check the box of “Accept different delivery dates and times among different recipients” in the Multiple Recipients.
*If you select this, be sure to check the box of “Accept multiple recipients in one order“.
3. Click the Complete Setting button at the bottom of the screen.
*If you select this, purchasers can specify the delivery date and time in each recipient box, and the specified date and time will be displayed in each recipient box in the order confirmation e-mail, in the final confirmation page in the shipping cart and in the Purchase History in the My Page.
・You can select “Do not allow purchasers to appoint a delivery date and time “ in a certain delivery method.
If you allowed purchasers to specify the delivery date and time, this was applied to all delivery methods with no exception. Now you can disable this function in some delivery methods you select.
Not to allow purchasers to specify the delivery date and time in a certain delivery methods,
1. Go to [Advanced Settings] > [Delivery Charges] and click “Set Delivery Charge” to open the settings screen.
2. Check the box of “Do not allow purchasers to appoint a delivery date and time “
3. Click the Change button at the bottom of the screen.
*If you select “Accept multiple recipients in one order“, be sure to select also “Accept different delivery dates and times among different recipients“
In accord with this improvement, the specified delivery date and time is moved to each recipient box in the order details page
To use this functions,
1. Go to [Advanced Settings] > [Delivery Details]
2. Check the box of “Accept different delivery dates and times among different recipients” in the Multiple Recipients.
*If you select this, be sure to check the box of “Accept multiple recipients in one order“.
3. Click the Complete Setting button at the bottom of the screen.
*If you select this, purchasers can specify the delivery date and time in each recipient box, and the specified date and time will be displayed in each recipient box in the order confirmation e-mail, in the final confirmation page in the shipping cart and in the Purchase History in the My Page.
・You can select “Do not allow purchasers to appoint a delivery date and time “ in a certain delivery method.
If you allowed purchasers to specify the delivery date and time, this was applied to all delivery methods with no exception. Now you can disable this function in some delivery methods you select.
Not to allow purchasers to specify the delivery date and time in a certain delivery methods,
1. Go to [Advanced Settings] > [Delivery Charges] and click “Set Delivery Charge” to open the settings screen.
2. Check the box of “Do not allow purchasers to appoint a delivery date and time “
3. Click the Change button at the bottom of the screen.
*If you select “Accept multiple recipients in one order“, be sure to select also “Accept different delivery dates and times among different recipients“
In accord with this improvement, the specified delivery date and time is moved to each recipient box in the order details page
The index for previous data can be undisplayed in the front page of the Shop Manager
The index for previous data can be undisplayed in the front page of the Shop Manager
If you wish to make the year lines of previous data undisplayed in the front page of the Shop Manager,
kindly click [+] at the right of “Previous Data”. To open it, click [-].
Additionally, the numbers of orders received are displayed in the list of “Current Status of Your Shop Site” now.
If you wish to make the year lines of previous data undisplayed in the front page of the Shop Manager,
kindly click [+] at the right of “Previous Data”. To open it, click [-].
Additionally, the numbers of orders received are displayed in the list of “Current Status of Your Shop Site” now.
More titles and labels can be changed, and the display status for more titles can be selected in the left column
Change page titles and labels in the following parts.
Go to [Operation Screen] > [Design Control] > [Page Titles/Labels].
*The page title in the Shop Manager was changed from Page Titles to Page Titles/Labels.
*You can see the display position of each page title and label. Click “*See the display position” just below the each title.
<Front Page>
・Item Search (at the top of the screen)
・Sign-in (in the left column)
・Register now! (In the sign-in box in the left column)
・May Page (in the left column after sign-in)
<Item List Page>
・Item List (page title)
・Sort by
・number of items
<Item Information Page>
Item Information (page title)
Item Information (title for common elements)
<Price Label>
・Our Selling Price
・Regular Price
・Our usual price (members-only page)
・Member Price (members-only page)
<Unit Label>
You can change the unit label for available quantity, now, for example from pcs. to sets.
To change the unit label, go to [Operation Screen] > [Commodity Control] > [Stock Display]. You can change the unit label for each item in the item registration page.
Select display status in the following parts
Go to [Operation Screen] > [Design Control] > [Page Layout].
<Left Column in Front Page>
・Category List
・Group List
・Shopping Cart
* You cannot disable the sign facility itself even if you select “Undisplay”.
Change page titles and labels in the following parts.
Go to [Operation Screen] > [Design Control] > [Page Titles/Labels].
*The page title in the Shop Manager was changed from Page Titles to Page Titles/Labels.
*You can see the display position of each page title and label. Click “*See the display position” just below the each title.
<Front Page>
・Item Search (at the top of the screen)
・Sign-in (in the left column)
・Register now! (In the sign-in box in the left column)
・May Page (in the left column after sign-in)
<Item List Page>
・Item List (page title)
・Sort by
・number of items
<Item Information Page>
Item Information (page title)
Item Information (title for common elements)
<Price Label>
・Our Selling Price
・Regular Price
・Our usual price (members-only page)
・Member Price (members-only page)
<Unit Label>
You can change the unit label for available quantity, now, for example from pcs. to sets.
To change the unit label, go to [Operation Screen] > [Commodity Control] > [Stock Display]. You can change the unit label for each item in the item registration page.
Select display status in the following parts
Go to [Operation Screen] > [Design Control] > [Page Layout].
<Left Column in Front Page>
・Category List
・Group List
・Shopping Cart
* You cannot disable the sign facility itself even if you select “Undisplay”.
Icon settings were improved
We added the following functions today.
A) Icon images can be changed.
1. Go to [Operation Screen] > [Design Control] > [Images and Comments].
2. In the Icon Image box, select a tab for the icon which you wish to change. The tab currently selected shows in white.
3. Select an image
- To select an icon from prepared icons -
Select the number from the list box. To check the prepared images, click the “List of still images”. Settings are saved if you move to another tab.
- To use an image that you made yourself -
Click the ref. button, and select the image you wish to use in your shop. If you select the image that you already registered in the Image Manager, click the Select Picture from Image Manager button and select an image. Settings are saved if you move to another tab.
<Icon Image Size>
The recommended icon image size is 60 x 15 pixels (width x height). The image will be displayed in the original size.
4. Change the descriptions for icons in the Shopping Guide page
If you wish, you can change the descriptions for icons in the Shopping Guide page.
You cannot display different descriptions among No.1, No.2, No.3, No4 and No.5 and can set for “New Items”, “Recommended Items” and “Ranking”.
5. Complete Setting
Click the Complete Setting button at the bottom of the page.
B) Select the display status of icon images.
You can select the display status of icon images from display and undisplay.
- For the display in the front page -
1, Go to [Operation Screen] > [Design Control] > [Page Layout]
2. Select the display status in the Icon Image Display /Undisplay” column. This setting will be reflected on the icons displayed in the New Item box, the Recommendation box and the Item Ranking box in the front page.
** In the Item Ranking box, only New Items and Recommended Items icons are displayed.
3. Click the Complete Setting button at the bottom of the page.
- For the display in the item list page -
1. Go to [Operation Screen] > [Item List/Item Information Page]
2. In the Set List of Items box, select “display” or “not display”. You can set the different status between “with details” and “photos only”. This setting will be reflected on the icons in item list pages (by category and by group).
- For the display in the item information page -
1. Go to [Operation Screen] > [Item List/Item Information Page]
2. In the Set Item Information Page box, select “display” or “not display”. You can set the status for related items separately. This setting will be reflected on the icons in item information pages including related items.
3. Click the Complete Setting button at the bottom of the page.
With this improvement, icons can be displayed in the following places additionally.
Front Page/ New Items box, Recommendation box (applied only to “photos only” in the central area and to right area)
Front Page/Ranking box
Item List Page (allied only to “photos only”)
Item Information Page/Related Items
** Ranking icons are not displayed in the Ranking box, as the ranking is displayed originally.
The default setting is “not display” and if you wish to display icons in the above places, please set them following the above steps.
A) Icon images can be changed.
1. Go to [Operation Screen] > [Design Control] > [Images and Comments].
2. In the Icon Image box, select a tab for the icon which you wish to change. The tab currently selected shows in white.
3. Select an image
- To select an icon from prepared icons -
Select the number from the list box. To check the prepared images, click the “List of still images”. Settings are saved if you move to another tab.
- To use an image that you made yourself -
Click the ref. button, and select the image you wish to use in your shop. If you select the image that you already registered in the Image Manager, click the Select Picture from Image Manager button and select an image. Settings are saved if you move to another tab.
<Icon Image Size>
The recommended icon image size is 60 x 15 pixels (width x height). The image will be displayed in the original size.
4. Change the descriptions for icons in the Shopping Guide page
If you wish, you can change the descriptions for icons in the Shopping Guide page.
You cannot display different descriptions among No.1, No.2, No.3, No4 and No.5 and can set for “New Items”, “Recommended Items” and “Ranking”.
5. Complete Setting
Click the Complete Setting button at the bottom of the page.
B) Select the display status of icon images.
You can select the display status of icon images from display and undisplay.
- For the display in the front page -
1, Go to [Operation Screen] > [Design Control] > [Page Layout]
2. Select the display status in the Icon Image Display /Undisplay” column. This setting will be reflected on the icons displayed in the New Item box, the Recommendation box and the Item Ranking box in the front page.
** In the Item Ranking box, only New Items and Recommended Items icons are displayed.
3. Click the Complete Setting button at the bottom of the page.
- For the display in the item list page -
1. Go to [Operation Screen] > [Item List/Item Information Page]
2. In the Set List of Items box, select “display” or “not display”. You can set the different status between “with details” and “photos only”. This setting will be reflected on the icons in item list pages (by category and by group).
- For the display in the item information page -
1. Go to [Operation Screen] > [Item List/Item Information Page]
2. In the Set Item Information Page box, select “display” or “not display”. You can set the status for related items separately. This setting will be reflected on the icons in item information pages including related items.
3. Click the Complete Setting button at the bottom of the page.
With this improvement, icons can be displayed in the following places additionally.
Front Page/ New Items box, Recommendation box (applied only to “photos only” in the central area and to right area)
Front Page/Ranking box
Item List Page (allied only to “photos only”)
Item Information Page/Related Items
** Ranking icons are not displayed in the Ranking box, as the ranking is displayed originally.
The default setting is “not display” and if you wish to display icons in the above places, please set them following the above steps.
We added the function to set the maximum purchase amount
You can set the maximum purchase amount now.
Using this function, if the merchant total amount exceeds the amount you set,
purchasers cannot add an item into the shopping cart.
For this setting, go to [Advanced Settings] > [Maximum Purchase Amount].
Using this function, if the merchant total amount exceeds the amount you set,
purchasers cannot add an item into the shopping cart.
For this setting, go to [Advanced Settings] > [Maximum Purchase Amount].
CyberSource Credit Card Processing service was added to the payment methods
You can use the CyberSource Credit Card Processing service now.
For more information, refer to the following page.
* US or UK/EU based business only.
For an application, use the Inquiry/Application form in the “Accept Credit Card Payment via Cyber Source (SimpleOrderAPI) box
in [Advanced Settings] > [Payment Methods] > Credit Card “Set Payment Method”.
For more information, refer to the following page.
* US or UK/EU based business only.
For an application, use the Inquiry/Application form in the “Accept Credit Card Payment via Cyber Source (SimpleOrderAPI) box
in [Advanced Settings] > [Payment Methods] > Credit Card “Set Payment Method”.