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Hiding from menu each category and group has become possible.

You had not been able to hide from menu each category and group, but you can hide them now.
To do it, go to [Inventory]>[Manage Categories][Manage Groups]> click "Hide from Menu" icon in each category or group.

Hiding "RSS Feed for Products" has become possible.

"RSS Feed for Products" had been displayed automatically, but you can hide it now.
To set it, go to [Marketing]>[RSS Feed].

Blacklist setting page has been improved.

Please go to [Basic Settings]>[Blacklist].

You can add a blacklist person from [Add Blacklist] button with "register Email", "phone", "IP address", and "Management Note".
*Only Email address is mandatory.

The registered blacklists will be displayed to the bottom of the page.

When you would like to search the registered blacklists, put in the information to [Search] area, and click [Search] button.
The searched blacklists will be displayed to the table.

If you would like to edit the blacklists, edit the list directly and click [Save] button.
If you would like to delete the list, add check marks to the left of the list and click [Delete] icon in the top or the bottom of the table.

Setting Note in address field has become possible.

You can show notes in customers' address field.
*Only for address 2 and 3.

To set note there, go to [Basic Settings]>[Basic Settings]>[Customer Info Form] area.

When you show the note, do not forget to put a check to "Use" in [Status of Address].

Setting the radio button and text in "Shipping Method" field has become possible.

In the "Shipping Method" field on cart step 2 page, you can select "Drop Down" or "Radio Button" for the shipping method.
Additionally, you can put text there.

To set them, go to [Operations]>[Shipping Costs]>[Settings for shipping method selection field] area.

*You can show the text of each shipping method only when you select "radio button".
To input text on each shipping method, click "Set Shipping Cost" button of each delivery method.
Then input text in [Free space in shopping cart].

Retail price setting on each variation has become possible.

You have not been able to set retail price on each variation, but you can set retail price on each variation now.

You can set retail price on each variation when you create or edit items.

Please go to [Inventory]>[Create New Product] page, or [Inventory]>[Products on Display]>[Products on Display] page.

1. In the [Retail Price] section, choose "Retail Price" and input a retail price.
2. In the [Stock Control] section, choose "Manage per variation".
3. In the [Variations] section, set variations.

After you click "Continue" button at the bottom of the page, you can set the retail price on each variation.

Setting a image for the button such as "Add to Cart" has become possible.

It has become possible to set a image for each button.
*It is only for HTML5 templates and Smartphone site.
*You can choose images which Ochanko or you prepared.

To set a image for the button, go to [Design]>[Button Label], put a check to "Change button image", then choose a image.

Additionally, the following points have been added.
The button labels which you can change have increased.
Display setting of "Inquiries" button in Product Description Page has been added.
-HTML5 template: [Design]>[Product Description Page]>[Display]>[Inquiries Button]
-Smartphone site: [Smartphone Site]>[Product Page]>[Product Description Page]>Inquiries Button

Product image added to product list to arrange display order

Go to [Shop Manager] > [Inventory] > [Display Order].

Choose Display image (100 products per page) after choosing a category or a group.
Click the Load button, and the product list shows with product image.

The number of product listed per page changes depending on this image display.
Hide image: 500 products are listed in a page
Display image: 100 products are listed in a page.

Return button added to sign-in page in shopping cart in HTML5 template

The Return button was added to the page after the Checkout button clicked in HTML5 template.
If a customer clicks this Return button, the Your Shopping Cart page shows.

To remove this button,
go to [Shop Manager] > [Design] > [CSS], copy the following designation
and paste it at the bottom of the Style Sheet field.

.cart1_back_btn_box {
display: none;

Product image added to order information page

Product image added in ordered product list in [Orders] > [Manage Orders] > View Details.